XIQS Get Card History List

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XIQS Sim Card Log List - GSM Device Port Management

getXIQSCardLogList ( String list_of_sim_id , [ filter f ] )
Get a list of SIM card log objects for a given list of SIM cards.
String list_of_sim_id
A list of SIM Card Id comma (',') separated
[ filter f ]
Optional: a filter object
Return Values
List of sim <log> object
Long id_card - SIM Id
String imsi - SIM IMSI
String iccid - SIM ICCID
Long id_event - SIM Event Id
Integer type - Event type. One of:
0 - Activation
1 - Credit check
2 - Recharge
3 - Transfer
Integer status - Event status (value depends of Event type).
For Activation/Recharge/Transfer events:
0 - Command waiting to be sent
1 - Command Sent To GSM Port
3 - Action Failed
4 - Action Successful
5 - Transaction will be retried
For Creditcheck events:
0 - Init (GSM Transaction sent)
1 - Credit Synchronized
2 - Waiting for Manual Sync
3 - Manual Sync failed
4 - Refilled before Manual Sync
10 - GSM Error
20 - Parse or Eval Error
30 - Service Unavailable
40 - Sim Deactivated (Operator)
Integer method - Event method (value depends of Event type). One of:
0 - Call and Play DTMF
1 - Send SMS
2 - Connect to USSD Server
3 - Refill using a "Master" Sim
4 - Connect to USSD Server and wait for SMS answer(s)
5 - Call, Play DTMF and wait for SMS answer(s)
6 - SMS Flash
7 - USSD Flash
8 - SMS Standard with Credit
9 - Web recharge - Tranglo
10 - Web recharge - Tellus
11 - Web recharge - Paydirek

(-1) - Undefined for this event

String command - Event command (value depends of Event type)
Integer result - Event command result status (value depends of Event type). One of:
0 - Success
1 - Error
2 - Timeout
3 - Transaction already in progress
4 - Port status not TMS_REGISTERED
5 - Invalid Transaction Command
6 - Invalid ICCID
7 - Invalid Slot Number
8 - Invalid Port Number
9 - Error send USSD/SMS/CALL command
10 - Error Module switched off
11 - USSD Call Transaction Canceled Current Voice Call hanged up
13 - USSD Canceled SET SIM received from SIM server
14 - USSD not supported
15 - First Msg returned but Second SMS missing if "Wait 2 SMS for response" is defined
16 - First Msg returned but Second SMS too long to fit in messge answer
17 - Time out during delivery report
18 - Time out on first Msg returned
3 - other local client has responded
4 - operation not supported
5 - network time out
22 - Third SMS missing if "Wait 3 SMS for response" is defined
23 - Third SMS too long to fit in message answer
100 - Sim Manager failed to parse valid response (Set by SimManager)
200 - Transaction aborted by ICM (only for HBS Transaction)
(-1) - Undefined for this event
String response - Event command response (value depends of Event type)
Long date - Event log date (in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)
Error Data structure ( Error Management )
Possible failure code returns
Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List